Sharpening the Axe

Abraham Lincoln taught the value of adequate preparation when he said, “Give me six hours [...]

Emerging Trends in Facilities Management

Manufacturing companies are struggling with the persistent and growing problem of finding employees with the [...]

Return on Investment Analysis for Engineering Managers

A commonly encountered fork in the career road for many successful engineers is to a) [...]

What is Depreciation?

Depreciation is one of the more poorly understood, yet commonly encountered terms in managerial accounting. [...]

The Role of Active Listening in the Design Thinking Process

Of the many diverse and constructive soft skills, active listening surely one of the most [...]

What are the Best Reference Books for Quality Engineers?

What are the Best Reference Books for Quality Engineers? In this age of infinite information [...]

What is Design Thinking?

With all the buzz these days about design thinking, some of you may be wondering what’s [...]

Cmk!! How Could There Possibly Be Another Capability Index??!!

The deeper you drill into process capability analysis, the more you realize just how many [...]

How do I Calculate Cpk with a Subgroup of 1?

This is one of the more common questions I received from students taking my “Process [...]


Do I Really Need a Sample Size of 30?

Ever wonder what the appropriate sample size is when performing a capability study? Here is [...]

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Learn the foundations of Statistical Decision Making.
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